Friday, August 14, 2015

Keep Our Kids Snoozing Because Of All The Sleep They’re Losing

Sometimes when I watch the morning news, the anchormen openly discuss what time they got up in the morning to arrive at the studio – or at their field assignment – on time. What’s that? They had to get up at 2 in the morning to prepare for a 4 a.m. broadcast? Going to bed 7 in the evening is NOT glamorous, but HEY, let’s get real (didn’t see it coming so early in my column did you!) you need a good night’s sleep to be able to function and perform in your career if you want to be successful.

When I saw one of the reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, coddling our children because their school day starts too early, all I could think is – what are these kids gonna do when they get out there in the REAL WORLD?
Sleep your school days away Junior!
According to their studies, “fewer than one in five middle and high schools in the U.S. began the school day at the recommended 8:30 a.m. start time or later during the 2011-2012 school year." What’s the problem? The CDC says that too-early start times can keep students from getting the sleep they need for health, safety and academic success. Oh puh-lease!

Wahhhhhh! If city workers - like garbage men and highway construction crews, who had to get up at 3 in the morning complained that they’re “not as productive as they can be” because they don’t get enough sleep, we’d say – get another job where you don’t have to hustle to earn a living.

The CDC’s report said that in 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement urging middle and high schools to modify their start times. Why? Do we want to spoil our children into thinking they shouldn’t be hard workers the way adults have to be in order to be productive?

Yes – students need ample sleep after studying ‘X’ amount of hours. I understand they’ve got a hard life of completing assignments and participating in extracurricular activities. But what about a teacher who’s up late at night grading papers and has to take care of her family? Doesn’t she deserve more sleep too? Noooo….just let the KIDS come in later so they could snooze and extra hour while the rest of us are on our way to work!

In my opinion, they should keep these students coming to school early and getting their day started early. If they’re GOOD students – dedicated students – they and their parents will manage their time efficiently so that there’s time to study, participate in extracurricular activities and get enough sleep.

What time do I get up in the morning? Well, I have the luxury of living in Canarsie, not too far from where I work, so I’m up at 7 to be at work at 9. But when I have to cover a meeting in the evening, I’ve basically worked a 12-hour day and first settle in near 8 at night.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a Community Education Council meeting at 7 p.m. While I only had a of couple hours to “rejuvenate,” I also needed to keep up with my “extracurricular” hobby of running three miles, which I complete almost every other day. The fact that I had a meeting that night didn’t deter me! I came home, went out for my run for an hour, came back, freshened up and went to my meeting! AND I had to write the article about the meeting when I got home!

Whose fault is it that our kids aren’t getting enough sleep? If they’re hanging out and wasting time, they’re losing time that they could get their projects done and go to bed ON TIME!
When you’re tired, who do you have to blame? Usually no one but yourself! However, officials will have you believe that our kids have it so bad that they should be babied until they leave high school! Whose fault is this?


Here’s a novel idea – maybe if you keep them on an early schedule, the way a professional adult has to be, they’ll learn good old fashioned work ethic values! They say insufficient sleep is causing our kids to be overweight and use drugs. Whose fault is THIS?


I strongly believe the best way to lead is by example. What example are we setting for youngsters if we cow down to allowing them to go to school later – even if it’s by an hour? How prepared will they be for college or a full time career – where they have to get up at the crack of dawn – if their early years are spent mismanaging or wasting their time so that they’re not sleeping enough?

Youngsters hate going back to school and having to follow that “routine”. Soak it up kiddies –because guess what, once you’re grown up and doing whatever it is that you’ve gone to school FOR, you won’t have those summer vacations to sleep late and slack off. We need to prepare our kids for the not-so-easy life of being an adult and being on a productive schedule. If you don’t agree, go ahead and press the snooze button – the professionals will be up and working while you’re in your tenth dream…

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