Friday, November 7, 2014

Admitting When You’re Scared Of An Epidemic Doesn’t Make You Sick!

Oh please Facebook! I can help "stop" it by NOT going overseas!!!
It was only a matter of time before I sat down and mapped out a column on how I feel about how our country – and city – is handling the Ebola scare. Ha! If you ask a large majority of the people out there if they ARE scared, they’ll say no! It seems like every broadcast and interview I’ve seen features citizens who aren’t scared or concerned about contracting the Ebola virus – and they’re not really worried about their health if they’ve been in the same environment as someone who’s contracted the Ebola virus.

Of course not! Why should anyone worry! According to health officials it’s not “contagious until it’s symptomatic!” There are people who will say, what’s there to worry about – our government is doing all that they can to keep the epidemic under control – and that most of the people who had Ebola are now back in good health or are on their way to getting their health back.

Call me ignorant and naïve….or whatever – I AM SCARED!

It’s hypocritical for our government to say Ebola “isn’t as easy to contract as you think.” Really? So, how, in all honesty, did Doctor Craig Spencer contract the disease if he was following protocol – and was suited up with hazmat gear like he was heading to a nuclear danger zone?

Even though I’m part of the media, I have a feeling many media outlets aren’t showing the truth – that there is a population of people out there who are scared of Ebola spreading more easily at SOME point in the future.

The Health Department recently issued this statement: “…As of Wednesday, November 5th, 357 individuals are being actively monitored by the Health Department. The vast majority of these individuals are travelers arriving in New York City within the past 21 days from the three Ebola-affected countries who are being monitored post-arrival, as well as Bellevue Hospital staff caring for Dr. Spencer. The list also includes FDNY EMS staff who transported Dr. Spencer to Bellevue and the lab workers who conducted Dr. Spencer’s blood test. All of these individuals are being monitored out of an abundance of caution, and none are showing any symptoms. The number of individuals who will be actively monitored will continue to fluctuate as people arrive or depart New York City, we learn more about people’s exposures, and 21 days of monitoring has passed.”

I’m probably not the only one who thinks this – but why allow ANY doctors who treated Ebola-stricken patients overseas back into the U.S.? It's ironic that we’re sending doctors to other countries to “stop the spread” and “provide a cure” to the infected population, yet they’ll fly infected Americans back home to get treatment? Soooo…I’m guessing the treatment we’re providing to sick patients overseas isn’t all that effective? If the treatment was working, couldn’t American doctors who contract Ebola overseas be treated overseas too?

So? We have the BEST technology, medicine and antibiotics here in the states to treat the Ebola virus…What – are American doctors giving infected patients in Africa Fruit Loops and a make believe time machine to backtrack how things got this bad?

It’s still scary to think and know that doctors are coming home – knowing they were exposed to the illness, to whatever extent – and we have to wait nearly a month to find out if they’re Ebola-stricken. It’s 2014 and we’re quarantining and monitoring hundreds of people as if they were exposed to a deadly amount of radon or nuclear chemicals. We’re clearing out areas and “testing” for…God knows what.

When I heard that Dr. Spencer traveled on the ‘L’ train, it hit home for me in a lot of ways. If you can contract Ebola through bodily fluids, what if there’s sweat or blood left behind somewhere on the railings or poles? Oh, right…it’s not that easy to contract until the person is symptomatic – which he was less than 24 hours after riding the rails. This ‘hero’ wasn’t completely honest when it came to telling officials about his whereabouts – so what else was he lying about? The media revealed that people who lived and interacted with this doctor – or other infected doctors – weren’t afraid. They didn’t seem concerned – in the LEAST – about their own health.

I’m sure there were a handful of people who actually said, “Yeah, I’m scared as hell!” or “Of course, I’m concerned – who knows what can happen now that this guy came home with the Ebola virus!!” None of these interviewees made it to the broadcast. If anything, they’ll air folks who will say, “Yeah, I’m concerned, but, hey, you can’t let it stop you from living your day-to-day life!”

Let’s get real! No one wants to create a panic and no one wants to stir feelings of fear even though it’s obvious how vulnerable we really are. However, if we can’t get a handle on a disease that was discovered over 30 years ago, we mind as well bring back measles, mumps and rubella – and let’s get some of that classic malaria over here too! Besides, it won’t be too much of a concern to anyone!

(Unpublished as of 11/7/14)

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