Thursday, January 29, 2015

Way To Waste Our Federal Dollars Cuomo! Get Out Your Raincoat!

The way I see it, winter doesn’t actually kick off until there are several days in a row where we have to deal with snow storms and temperatures that fall well below 40 degrees. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve been braving what I’d consider a normal amount of snow and frigid air that one would expect to accompany the winter months.

Big deal – Mayor de Blasio and the National Weather Service didn’t get it right on January 26th when the city got less than a foot of snow when “they” predicted we’d be paralyzed and buried up to our thighs! While communities outside the tri-state area were pummeled, the blizzard that was supposed to immobilize us – so badly that they shut the city down – reportedly missed us by 50 miles. BIG DEAL! New York has dealt with tornadoes, wind storms, tropical storms and flooding for centuries and we’re only NOW pointing fingers at who’s to blame for an inaccurate meteorological reading?

So, do we need a better measurement of where a storm, of any proportion, is heading so officials don’t freak people out for “no reason”? Watching Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s press conference on the potential development of a more high-tech, state-run weather detection system looked like some type of joke. Instead of using systems like the European Model and the North American Model to track storms, Cuomo plans on turning to a more accurate system since the one implemented now, “doesn’t provide real-time or localized information, nor does it collect certain environmental data that can make it easier to predict storms,” he said. Then what’s the point of broadcasting ANY weather forecast if they’re all considered flimsy bullshit predictions? And what will a more detailed prediction DO? It's not going to stop the storm and the destruction it could potentially cause.

The worst part of this development and its inception is that the Governor wants to use federal Hurricane Sandy relief funds to pay for this high tech system! I thought relief funds were supposed to be allocated for make our state structurally stronger, resilient and protect against future devastation. With this new weather gadget costing about $25 million, where are the priorities and when will the money be released to get those “small” resiliency projects started?

Canarsie, Bergen Beach, Gerritsen Beach, and other neighborhoods that need federal funds to rebuild, have spent months and years discussing ways on how they can make waterfront communities stronger and protect homes from destructive flooding. When New York Rising came to our community, we had to form a rebuilding committee, map out feasible resiliency plans and propose concrete ways to safeguard residents and their properties during a storm.

How long has Gov. Cuomo been sitting on this fabulous meteorological proposal? You mean to tell me that no other government official – in our state’s history – has complained about an “inaccurate” forecast or thought about bringing a new-aged system to our vulnerable state? I guess, up until now, we’ve been relying on a “flimsy” weather antenna to tell us when we should evacuate our homes or expect flooding during high tide?

Does Cuomo want to blame his decision to call a state of emergency – when there was no real emergency – on someone (or something) else? Oh yeah! If we had our own doppler-thingy or hygrometers, we wouldn’t have had to tell the MTA to stop all of their trains because we’d be experts with our own atmospheric equipment!

What worries me is how and when the state will allocate money for this new system when thousands of waterfront communities still need funds to make their shorelines more stable after Hurricane Sandy. How can you estimate how much money you’re putting towards a huge project for the future when you haven’t even started working on community-based needs projects NOW? There are hurricane-related construction contracts waiting to be drawn, approved and funded. After all of that takes place, maybe we can start worrying about this thing called the weather, which humans will never be able to predict 100 percent of the time.

Thanks Gov. Cuomo, for blaming a massive city shut-down on a weather system you’re going to waste millions on to improve. I can’t wait to see all the cool equipment he picks out to protect us – maybe there’s a raincoat in there somewhere! Either way, Hurricane Sandy victims who need that money to rebuild will feel the wrath of Cuomo raining on their parade.

Unpublished as of 1-29-15

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