Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Getting Guns – Not People – Off The Street Will Solve Everything!

Celebrating your heritage at a parade unites your sense of pride with others who have the same passion for the culture. Unfortunately, what it’s come down to is that celebrating your heritage also means you risk getting shot at, stabbed or attacked in the midst of a crowd. What’s even worse is that our city doesn’t have a handle on parade safety – namely the safety at the West Indian American Day parade. According to the Wall Street Journal, officials note that it’s the “most violent public event in the city.”
It's time for a parade in the city!!! Woo hoo!

Borough President Eric Adams held a press conference a couple of weeks ago, addressing the violence that took place at the West Indian Day parade – during which Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s aide was seriously injured after being shot. Forget about the fact that the victim, Carey Gabay, was simply “caught in the crossfire” of a gang violence which left him clinging to life. And forget about the fact that the gunman’s been on the loose for a while now.

The fact that we’re constantly talking about “cracking down on gun violence” with no real plan of action is very disturbing. What provokes someone to bring a weapon to a highly attended public event and open fire on innocent people?

The Daily News reported last week, after local pols got together for a press conference, that “guns are to blame for the violence, not the festival.” Let’s get real! An object just fired ITSELF into a crowd? That damned gun! How dare it go off! The celebrations aren’t the problems, the guns are! We told those dang guns to stay off the streets, didn’t we?

I have one question for politicians who are “addressing violence at and around J’Ouvert celebrations.” What about other parades? St. Patty’s Day? The Columbus Day parade? How about potential violence at the Pride parade? The Dominican Day parade? The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade? How many shootings have taken place at these highly attended festivities? Where are the leaders and coordinators of those parades? Maybe they can share their secrets for having a smooth-running celebration…

Making a statement on how “these shootings need to come to an end” is like shooting a gun in outer space. Hey, Jupiter can use some random acts of violence too! 

The only parade we have in Canarsie is the Memorial Day Parade – and we haven’t seen gun violence break out in the midst of our celebrations.

According to Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson, many of the firearms obtained by local residents are brought here from the south. On a national scale, who’s responsible for putting an end to gun trafficking?

Many leaders are their own worst enemy – saying that Stop Question and Frisk unfairly targets minorities, and that its tactics need to be reformed. Why? If we had police officers conducting Stop and Frisk in and around the West Indian parade perimeters, maybe that goon would have been caught sooner and the gun would have been taken off of our streets. But no…that gun is most likely still in circulation.

What measures do we need to take? How about turning our parades into mini war zones with armed soldiers in army fatigues at each corner ready to apprehend someone who brandishes a weapon? How about checkpoints set up 24 hours before and after an event where police officers examine the insides of your pockets, bags and clothes? How about metal detectors all over the damned place? Where does it end?

Unless we take preventative physical measures and CATCH someone who’s armed, we’re not going to resolve the problem of gun violence. Our city, along with the NYPD, doesn’t have the money to place armed guards at every intersection near Eastern Parkway – and is that what we want to see when we’re trying to celebrate our freedom to…celebrate?

I’m not saying that if the parade was completely canceled that gun violence in that area wouldn’t exists. After all, those damned guns have a mind of their own and put themselves in the wrong peoples’ hands. Shoot, I thought I had the answer…

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