Those of you who have finished reading
the “50 Shades...” trilogy are hungry for the movie's big reveal.
It was a big deal – who's going to play each character, what are
the producers and directors going to get away with? Whether most
women know it or not, “50 Shades” is simply a mainstream version
of erotica that slipped through the cracks.
How? I don't even know!
I started reading romance novels when I
was about 14 years old. In addition to indulging in R.L. Stine teen
horror novels, I delved into a few erotica books and romance novels
that put the reader right in the seat of the main character – a
scarce, independent woman who was afraid of giving in to that burly
and delicious man who broke her social barriers (yes, that's a nice
way of saying he took her virginity). All of these novels are
typically written...Damsel in distress...Hard working girl
not-yet-ready to give up everything for that muscular man who's got a
“happy trail” to God knows where. Happy trail??
I truly can't stand this literary term for pubic hair that leads to a man's genitals. Women have a unique way of admitting they're horny creatures who just want a little excitement. Forget about getting romantically involved – because romance novels portray those “independent women” as not looking for something serious...and when they get involved in something serious, they want the man to be unsure about what's going on.
I truly can't stand this literary term for pubic hair that leads to a man's genitals. Women have a unique way of admitting they're horny creatures who just want a little excitement. Forget about getting romantically involved – because romance novels portray those “independent women” as not looking for something serious...and when they get involved in something serious, they want the man to be unsure about what's going on.
Are you a sexual creature or aren't
“Fifty Shades” of yawns provokes
that question...But this kind of novel has been done soooo many
times. E.L. James just found a legitimate way to bring it to women in
a “clean” way that's acceptable to Hollywood.
How many women love to watch porn? We
say it's demeaning...perverted...something only men enjoy. Well,
thanks “50 Shades”!!! The story line behind 50 Shades justifies
porn because it's a story of a couple...the story of an independent
virgin who is asked to sign some sort of “contract” that
resembles a marriage license!!! So this is how they're going to
legitimize porn??? They're going to take a pure young woman who has a
ridiculous “inner Goddess” speaking to her every 10 minutes and
put her in a situation where she loves to be dominated.
It's not just about cleaning up porn
for the modern day woman – it's about marketing a slew of products
that come with the lifestyle Mr. Christian Grey represents.
Ohhh...NOW it's okay for women to like to try sex toys... NOW it's
okay to put out a line of pleasantries that women can bring to their
man to try because the book says it's “hot.”
I'm really not sure what it is about
“50 Shades” that's so different than other raunchy romance
novels. The hype about the book lasted way too long when this genre
was pretty strong already. Maybe it's the fact that the male
character is more mentally screwed up than in other novels...Or that
there's 3 books on more sex...But why wouldn't a
woman just pick up an erotica novel and get into one of those?
Now that the movie's coming out,
everyone is wondering HOW they're going to pull off all the hot
scenes that convert to a well drawn out porn. Well, what's the
difference? The fact that the two main characters get married and the
man is completely possessive over her? Is this what women want?
Emotional porn? Maybe it's the combination of women getting excited
over a situation they wish they found themselves in...mixed with
wishing they'd meet a controlling sex freak who wants to marry them.
Any woman in their right mind would
probably run away from a man like Christian Grey – unless they've
been reading erotica, I'm sure.
Nothing says “it's okay to watch
porn” like a story line that would never play out in real life. But
now that they've broken the barrier, let's re-open those XXX adult
shops that have been protested in communities for decades!!! Besides,
it's not dirty any more if someone comes along and “emotionally”
brings it into the mainstream. That's love!
Unpublished 9/21/14
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