Friday, September 19, 2014

What Part Are YOU Playing In The Rise Of Summer Violence?

We’re not even halfway into summer and residents have to contend with the dangers of late-night parties possibly resulting in a shooting – or two...or three...For some homeowners, enjoying a quiet summer on their block is easy, but for most it’s a challenge when they’re calling 311 to complain about noise and nothing gets done. Or, police will respond to the noisy location, the violators will lower the blasting music, then resume their obstruction of the peace when they know the cops are far away.
I’m sure SOMEONE reading this paper/column throws parties for their friends and families in their house or backyard. Maybe you’re celebrating a milestone or it’s simply a nice evening to have a casual barbecue. Maybe you’re not thinking about how your celebration will infringe on someone else’s quiet evening. There are plenty of ways to have a good time without being a nuisance to those around you. Okay – so you don’t care about or respect your neighbors! Whatever your background or ethnicity is – and no matter how your culture is used to “celebrating” – there’s a line you cross when you don’t consider the fact that not everyone needs to hear or know about your family’s big bash. Your house ain’t Madison Square Garden!

What makes you think ANYONE wants to hear your music blasting into the wee hours of the morning? What if YOU had to get up early the next day for work and didn’t get a minute of rest because of rude and thoughtless neighbors?
Ignorance and disrespect is only the beginning of our problems.

Other residents throw parties in their homes where they illegally charge a fee, serve alcohol, and people from all over the place can gather to potentially start trouble. Huge parties – where “uninvited” or “angry” guests start problems and decide to whip out a gun and open fire – are becoming the bane of our city. Do the hosts of these parties consider the statistics and potential dangers they’re cooking up?
Let’s get real! Last year, there were so many house party shootings in the area that I had to double check the statistics of where they took place and how many victims survived what was meant to be a “good time.” How many of you are going to have a “good time” this summer if you have to worry about getting shot at a shindig?

You can’t even go to a legitimate place to have a party without violence erupting. Last year, Tracks Café on Ralph Avenue was the scene of a shooting which left one man dead and one woman wounded on May 27th. Many speculated that a fight broke out and someone decided that it was easier to fire a gun in the middle of a crowd than to just leave the scene.
In August, gun violence erupted at a party near East 48th Street in East Flatbush – not too long after an overcrowded house party at East 52nd Street resulted in several people getting shot.
I honestly rolled my eyes when Councilman Jumaane Williams proposed legislation to combat house clubs. His idea was to make it mandatory for homeowners who expect more than 40 people at a party to let the police and their community board know about the bash at least three days in advance.
Really??? I don’t have faith in the average resident that they’re going to show up at the precinct or call the community board to get permission to throw a party. Hosts are already creating a safety hazard by having too many people congregate in one location. Someone…somewhere is going to have a “problem” at a party – and there’s NO way to filter out these violent individuals.
Have as many press conferences as you want about how the “violence must stop.” Call 311 as many times as you want!

The only way to possibly deter house parties, some which lead to shootings, is to impose a HUGE fine on homeowners who host these gatherings. Irrational intruders with weapons can’t be stopped, but your exaggerated party should be! Fines – in the hundreds – should be based on the number of neighbors’ complaints, whether alcohol is being served and if violence breaks out as a result of its occurrence. When police respond to shots fired at a party, like the one that took place last week on East 96th Street, they should automatically fine or arrest the host (an arrest would be appropriate if someone was killed at their party). Forget about “a fair warning” to “keep it down” or confiscating speakers and other party equipment. If your party’s got potential to make headlines in the news, you have to pay to play!

And hey, if you’re invited to one of these parties – DON’T GO! I don’t care who you know or how badly you want to hang out with your friends. Show the host that you’re not all that crazy about getting hit by a “stray” bullet when one of their unwelcomed guests shows up with a gun and a vengeance. When you get an invite to that house party, consider the fact that you might not make it home that night.
Don’t like my suggestions and feel your summer will be ruined by rigid party rules when you just want to have a good time? Quiet residents, such as myself, who respect each other and keep the peace, already feel like our summer has been ruined. Your next bash could result in a blood bath…Who will YOU blame?

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