are some things the eyes just can’t get adjusted to – like those
illusion posters where if you cross your eyes and stare at them long
enough, you can see an image in the kaleidoscope of colors. There are
also concepts your eyes can’t get adjusted to – like how someone can
drive so fast on a local street that their vehicle overturns AND you see
the driver survive the ordeal.
I hope to see a lot more “shocking” things in my lifetime that will
anesthetize my conservative attitude. Despite how young I am, and
despite how I feel everyone has the right to their own emotional/sexual
preference, I can’t get used to seeing the increasing number of same-sex
couples who overdo public displays of affection.
Be who you want with whoever you want. My question is – if you’re
raising a traditional mommy and daddy family with old school values,
what do you tell your children when they see two men (or women) making
out with each other in a public park? For parents who want their
children to independently develop their own feelings and thoughts on
homosexuality, it’s becoming more difficult to help youngsters
distinguish what’s “natural” and what’s a “choice.”
I won’t get into whether I think people are born gay or “become” gay
based on environmental factors – there are an increasing amount of
individuals who go through lifestyle changes and others who like
Yes, maybe it’s just an “illusion” that more homosexual couples are
now proudly showing their love for each other. Maybe now that same-sex
marriages are legal in the city, they’re more apt to practice the same
public displays of affection that straight people have been flaunting
for years. Yeah, we know – us straight people can be downright
disgustingly affectionate when we’re on the train or strolling through
the streets. But there’s a whole new generation of children who might
wind up seeing more same-sex couples smothering each other!
So, is it “cool,” “natural” and “experimental” or are all of these
young gay couples truly, deeply in love? I shouldn’t question someone’s
sexual preference even though I remember hanging out at the beach and
the local park when I was younger and NEVER saw this many same-sex
couples jumping each other’s bones. Did they simply hide it better back
in the old days?
Getting back to those families with old-fashioned values...When is it
time to tell youngsters that sexual preference is just that – a
preference – and not a “lifestyle” by which they should use what they
see as an example of what they should be doing. Seeing gay couples
feeling each other up at a bus stop – something I didn’t see a lot of in
the 1980s and 1990s – shouldn’t steer our children to question their
sexuality as they’re developing. Don’t they have enough battles to fight
– like bullying and making it in school? Let’s get real...When you tell
your child about the birds and the bees, that it physically takes a man
and a woman – a mommy and daddy – to reproduce, what do you tell them
when they question the site of two men in the street fondling each
other? “Who’s going to carry the baby?” the child might ask. And what a
sensible question! Are five and six-year-olds going to be able to
process the explanation and details of a sexual relationship between two
women or two men? Maybe I’m taking a child’s curiosity level too far,
but if they see a pregnant lesbian, who’s been artificially inseminated,
walking with her girlfriend, how do you explain the birds and the bees?
Clever parents will come up with their own explanations and witty
answers in hopes that maybe their kids will stop asking questions.
Others might try to give a general, subtle reason on why some people
prefer to be with their own gender.
I’m not offended by same-sex couples or whom anyone chooses for a
mate. I’m just finding it hard to get used to seeing more same-sex
couples making out and getting frisky in public than straight couples!
It’s giving the next generation of “traditional” families little room to
exist. In addition to a changing society where all types of things are
out in the open, our ability to censor our children (and ourselves) is
now out of our control. All I ask is that couples respect the fact that
not everyone has the same values when it comes to displays of public
affection. I’m sure not going to kiss my values goodbye!
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