Friday, September 19, 2014

The Recipe For Obesity Is On Your Menu, So Take Responsibility!

Bringing healthier food to the city is a joke. If you ask city officials what they’ve been doing to pump our citizens with vitamins, minerals and protein, they’ll tell you that their health-driven initiatives have been a success. Really? Then why did the Health Department recently report that The Bronx has the highest obesity rate among the city’s boroughs – at 32 percent. Their initiative to bring healthier food to low-income neighborhoods, Shop Healthy NYC, is great – but whose choice is it to actually consume nutritious foods? YOURS!
Bring on the whole wheat bread, milk, fruit and nuts! The Health Department thinks that because its Shop Healthy NYC program urged bodegas to stock their shelves with “healthier canned goods,” its going to make a difference. FAT CHANCE!
The agency also thinks that by displaying water and low calorie refrigerated snacks at eye level in bodegas and supermarkets, people are going to magically agree to change their eating habits and turn into health gurus. WAKE UP!
In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past several years, you can clearly see that there a LOT of overweight people in our community – and look at why that is! We’ve got three – count them – THREE McDonald’s in Canarsie alone! We’ve got five Dunkin Donuts in less than a 15-block radius! Ever count the Chinese food joints? Those are a dime a dozen here, and most dishes – that actually have flavor – are loaded with sodium, starch and empty calories. If they ONLY sold healthy dishes, like steamed fish and veggies with whole grain rice, you’d better believe they’d go out of business because no one will habitually order these flavorless delights.
Let’s get real. When most people go into a local bodega, it doesn’t matter where the nutrition bars or water bottles are located – patrons are still going to order that egg, bacon and cheese sandwich on a roll every day before work. Go ahead and display produce at the front of the store or at the checkout...Those who refuse to eat healthy don’t care where you put that pile of apples – as long as they have access to convenient fattening snacks somewhere in the mini-mart.
I’m not really sure why the city’s claiming obesity rates are largely due to the lack of healthier foods. What healthier foods do the obese not have access to? If the overweight choose not to eat vegetables and fruit – that’s THEIR decision. How much trouble do city folk have to go through to get a bag of carrots to munch on instead of cookies?
We’re not living in the boondocks or the suburbs where access to a simple supermarket is a 20-minute car ride away. Also, living in the city is an advantage for those who want to stay fit – all you have to do is walk to most stores. Some stores are less than a mile away! Get your big ass off the couch and take that walk every other day to pick up some nutritious grub!
I recently started watching the cable television show “My 600 Pound Life.” This series tries to motivate the severely overweight to turn their lives around and change their unhealthy ways. In almost every episode, the “food victims,” as I call them, are given fattening, greasy meals by their friends and loved ones. Sadly, consistent exercise and a well-balanced meal play a very small part in their personal weight loss attempts. But that’s THEIR decision to shove crap down their own mouths. If you’re really unhappy with the way you look, don’t blame the city or state.
One of the problems the city needs to realize is that healthy food is NOT affordable. This is a wellknown fact, but produce and healthy snacks shouldn’t just be more visible in bodegas, they should be CHEAPER so low-income residents can afford to eat healthy on a regular basis – but that’s NOT happening. The cost of whole wheat and whole grain foods – if purchased every week – gets expensive. Is the city able to enforce cost decreases on healthier foods? NO!
You can also make certain foods healthier by altering the ingredients. Got pasta? Add mixed vegetables! You can prepare chicken in so many healthy ways, there’s no excuse to soak it in oil every time you cook. I don’t agree with the whole “easier said than done” excuse – if all you eat is crap, you’re going to look and feel like crap! It’s THAT easy and it’s also easy for the Health Department to point fingers at local grocery stores for poor choices that are really made by individuals!
Who cares about advertising healthier food? You’re gonna shove your face no matter what the city does, right? Grab that extra double cheeseburger and be proud New Yorkers! 
Originally published in Canarsie Courier newspaper

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