Friday, September 19, 2014

Where There’s Smoke…There’s A Bunch Of Addicts Happily Lighting Up!

"Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death
Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hates to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette"

Tex Williams was right on the money with that song!
If you ask any New Yorker,  recent statistics, that say city folk are smoking more now than ever, are probably justified. Some media outlets spoke to people about the Health Department’s report – which states that there’s about a 16 percent increase over the past couple of years in adult smokers.
What’s your reason for not quitting and helping the numbers stay on top?
I’m under a lot of stress.”…Well, tough – get over it! We’re ALL under a lot of stress – doesn’t mean we want to pollute our lungs. There are healthy ways of dealing with stress that won’t make you smell like an ashtray! How much do you want to bet that if you actually escaped to a peaceful place where you didn’t have to “deal with stress” that you’d still be lighting up every day? Come on, now…
I tried….but I can’t seem to quit.” You found a reason to light up in the first place – probably decades ago…What’s your reason to keep smoking now? Cigarettes are probably more expensive now than when you first started smoking. Here’s a chance to ask yourself what made you start this awful habit and if you now have the same excuse today. If it was “peer pressure,” as a teen, then maybe you should look at your peers – some who are probably dying now – or are dead – from smoking-related diseases.
I gain a lot of weight when I quit smoking.” Aaaaaand? Women are notorious for making this excuse. Okay, you’d rather get emphysema or heart disease from smoking than gain a few pounds you can walk/work off. So your health is NOT a priority. Outweigh your battles – taking care of your body and losing weight OR having a lung transplant. You decide…
How about all of those anti-smoking commercials the Health Department airs on television? Want a hole in your throat or a few body parts amputated?  One of the worst commercials I’ve seen features a mother who just gave birth – prematurely – and has to talk to her baby through an incubator since it’s health is at risk. Really? Unless you’re a candidate for that show, “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant,” why in the world would you light up if you’re carrying another human being inside of you? Are you that selfish and want your child to be born with a slew of dysfunctions/health problems?
I contend that no amount of horrifically delivered public service announcements or “studies” will stop people from smoking. People will come up with some of the most irresponsible excuses possible for why they’re smoking. You might say quitting is “not as easy as you think,” but I’m guessing it’s a lot easier to undergo surgery, hospital visits and cancer treatments?
If the Health Department is launching new anti-smoking campaigns every few months – and they’re reporting that more people are smoking, maybe their next “report” should be on their own failure to influence smokers to quit! The headlines should read, “Health Department Admits: Our Ads Aren’t Working!”
Destroying your health is a decision you consciously make no matter which agency tries to intervene…and there will always be irrational reasons for people to practice unhealthy habits. The numbers and statistics are simply proof that you can’t tell us New Yorkers what to do! Not over our dead bodies, that’s for sure…
Originally published in Canarsie Courier newspaper.

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